What is a Rapid Palatal Expander?
A rapid palatal expander {RPE} is a specially made appliance used to widen the two halves of the top jaw, also known as the palate ,or maxilla. The two halves. are joined together by a “suture” in the center of the roof of the mouth. The RPE is attached to the upper back teeth and eases the suture apart which makes the jaw wider. As the jaw expands, new bone develops in between the two halves of the palate.
When is a palatal expander needed?
An expander has many benefits. It can widen the upper arch so that the upper teeth fit better with the lower teeth, creating, a better bite. Also widening the palate can make room for crowded teeth to align, which can often prevent the need for extraction of permanent teeth. A high palate and narrow arch may restrict breathing passages. Studies have shown that expanders. can widen air passages and result in better breathing. Lastly, expanders contribute to a broader, more attractive smile. Expansion is easiest and results are most stable when performed on a growing child or young teen.