The temporomandibular joint— commonly known as the “jaw joint”.
Every time you yawn, speak, or chew, you’re using your TMJ. You can feel the joint in action by placing your fingers just in front of your ears and opening your mouth. This joint can often cause pain which is where orthodontics can help.
What is TMJ Disorder?
The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is one of the most used Joints in the human body, located in the area just in front of your ears . It connects the jaw to the sides of your head, in additon to being connected to many facial muscles and nerves, it is responsible for sliding and rotating in the motions that allows us to speak, chew, or yawn. There are a variety of disorders and conditions related to this joint that can lead to the jaw suffering great pain and malfunctioning.

TMJ Treatment Options
Treatment plans vary from patient to patient, depending on their health, medical history, tolerance of specific medications and mouth appliances, and how far the disorder has progressed. The most common treatments are stress management techniques to rest your jaw joints and reduce, jaw clenching or teeth grinding. Sometimes, small lifestyle chainges can be the simplest solution.
Non-invasive treatments involve a mouth-guard (often worn at night) or a splint to protect teeth from grinding. Braces are also an effective option especially in cases where TMJ is caused by bite misalignment or malocclusion. Braces will re-align your bite, correcting the position of the teeth and jaw, which can potentally reduce or eliminate other ongoing syn1ptoms.
Are you interested in learning more about orthodontic treatments for TMJ? Give us a call at 425-977-2505. We are happy to help you learn more about your smile!